Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Get your draw on..............

Oh Hello Bloggy bloggy blog! :)

Right, it has been a few weeks, I think! But I have been drawing away, trying to improve. I have also left my job in the pub. My lovely fiance and I are in a financially better situation at the moment where I can take time out of working to have a full time job of looking for an apprenticeship! :) Send out positive vibes for me pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!

I have been emailing lots of tattooists far and wide, with my drawings, most with no response, but I'm not giving up hope. Going to Belfast on Friday and when we return I'm going to start going to more local tattooists to show them my sketches. I'll hound them if I have to! Just even to be there one day a week, to sweep the floors, make the cups of tea, take out the rubbish, scrub the toilet, whatever it takes, I am prepared to do it! I might even look into speaking to some Belfast tattooists, we could move home! :O

I'm still trying to get better at drawing people and I think I'm getting there. But I feel I need to tackle a few more styles too.

I drew this one on the train on the way to Exeter. It was an experience.

Ok, so I only have three drawings to post, however, I am taking more time to draw these days. Which was something that I was advised to do. I would rather post a few great standard drawings rather than a load of of crappy sketches. I have been told that the days of mediocre tattoos are over. If you want to get into the tattoo industry then you have to have something that puts you above the rest. And that's what I plan to do.

Just for fun.....

Can you feel the love?

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